10 techniques for eating healthy in the New Year, from an Intuitive Eating Counselor (read the full article and explanation of Intuitive Eating on THE SEAM below)
We don’t need ANOTHER diet. If diets haven’t worked by now, they aren’t going to work. We haven’t failed them, they’ve failed us....
We accept that our bodies are as diverse as our lived experiences. Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes by design, and we can’t control our genetic blueprints. Presuming there is one right type of body is oppressive and discriminatory.....
We create our definition of health based on personal values and life and health circumstances....
We divorce the notion that thinness automatically = health and interrogate those systems that promote this belief....
We strive to eat when our bodies tell us we’re hungry, to stop when we’re full, and to eat mindfully, enjoying the pleasure of eating. Body trust is key....
We don’t track what we eat because we trust our body/mind to make good choices together. Tracking is an obsessive and rigid way of relating to food and can lead to disordered eating.
We acknowledge that where we are physically and mentally on a given day will change how we eat..
We don’t expect perfection....
We’re conscientious of the ideas and images we consume, by avoiding advocates for diet culture or influencers who promote body idealism.
We eat healthy to honor our bodies, not to punish them....