As I mentioned the other day, I'll be doing weekly recaps of "Ted Lasso," the Apple TV show with which I am obsessed. Let's start with a recap of all of the first season, shall we?

At the end of Season 1, if you'll recall (since you've definitely watched it, and if you haven't-buddy- quit your job real quick, leave your family, and when you're done, come back here and we'll go on), Nathan Shelley had been promoted to "Coach Nate," meaning that his choice delivery of killer one-liners will remain front and centered but be given the respect he deserves.

Leslie Higgins is firmly in the coaches' social club now instead of being Rebecca's lame assistant. Rebecca is getting her groove back post divorce, and has also admitted to Ted that she brought him on to sabotage the team, but now she's for him and the team (and herself! Go, girl!). Roy and Keeley have started knockin' da cleats, and it's not a fling at all, as made clear by him allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of her when he injures himself in what becomes his final game. He's been toying with retirement anyway, and is in his mid-30s, making him grandfatherly in the sports. He's passed his captain badge onto isaac (played by the hilarious Kola Bokinni). Roy and Keeley (or Reeley, from now on) are PHENOMENAL together and I can't wait for more, but I'm getting off topic. So, sports, sports, sports happens and at the end the team has done better than anyone dreamed, but they still lose to their rival team, which now includes their ex-teammate and Keeley's ex-boyfriend, Jamie Tart. We see Jamie being hollered at by hid dad after the game, thus explaining why the only mean character on the entire show is mean. He's just sad, see?! Coach Lasso is afraid that the team being relegated (demoted to a lesser league) will mean he's also relegated back to America, a lesser country, but no, he's kept on both the team and the continent. Relegation is a new concept for most of us football-dumb American audience, but we get to be football-enlightened along with Coach Lasso, and it never feels like exposition lecture, which it is, and I'm fine with it. Finally, Coach Lasso gives this incredibly moving speech about grief and friendship, and then moments later does a spit-take in Rebecca's face, giving us exactly what we love about this show- the sweet and the salty, all mixed up in one delicious scone. SO HERE WE ARE IN SEASON TWO. I'm with Brené Brown, who interviewed Jason Sudeikis and Brendan Hunt on her podcast last year, when she swore at them for releasing one episode at a time and waiting a full year between seasons. Patience is hard. Anyway. Here we are (finally).
The episode opens strong with our heroes mid-season in this new, lower league, having tied all of their games all season. Coach Ted thinks they're cursed, but then finds out what a REAL curse looks like when the delightfully dimpled Dani Rojas (Cristo Fernández) accidentally makes a shot that fatally connects with the head of the team's mascot, a greyhound named Earl. I myself have a greyhound, but wasn't the least bit distressed by this because they don't show it and it's great for the plot. So, this is really bad for him and the team (and the dog) as he's kind of the team star now.

Reluctantly, Coach Lasso brings in sports psychologist, Dr. Sharon Fieldstone (played by Sarah Niles, a huge London theater star, and best known to me from HBO's 'I May Destroy You' and Amazon Prime's 'Catastrophe') to treat Dani for the 'yips,' and she quickly addresses his fear and grief, along with the coaches superstitious tomfoolery, in an all-knowing, all-seeing, brilliant kind of way. The other team members start going to her, also, and it becomes clear how amazing she is at her job and how essential she might become to the team (we witness her working fast sports brainy miracles and speaking at least three languages to the players who come from all over the globe). It's difficult to determine if Coach Lasso finds her intimidating AND wants to get to know her better platonically or romantically, or intimidating AND a threat to how he views himself as a healer of all things his players. Regardless, there's an air of change and mystery to her character and his take on her.
What else....Keeley now works her magic as the team's PR kinda person. Roy has been employing his furrowed brow as the coach of his beloved niece's 9-and-under football team and has thus far been refusing offers Keeley's been fielding to work in the football industry, or Coach Lasso's free tickets to attend any of the team's games. Rebbeca is dating a nice, but kind of dull, kind of self-focused, guy, and when they double-date with Keeley and Roy, Roy tells her this in his seemingly gruff and tactless, but accidentally tender and flattering, sort of way. He says without saying it, that he is over the moon for Keeley and it all makes me horny swoon, the whole thing. Sigh. Oh, and his group of friends are the yoga moms he does class with- they literally get together and watch reality TV (a dating show that features our favorite tart, Jamie Tart) and drink rosé.I mean, please. Come on. Look at him. I just cannot.

I think that about brings us up to date. And it's only Tuesday today? And the next episode comes out on Friday? Well, bloody hell, idn't it? What am I supposed to do until then, eh?
What else....Keeley now works her magic as the team's PR kinda person. Roy has been employing his furrowed brow as the coach of his beloved niece's 9-and-under football team and has thus far been refusing offers Keeley's been fielding to work in the football industry, or Coach Lasso's free tickets to attend any of the team's games. Rebbeca is dating a nice, but kind of dull, kind of self-focused, guy, and when they double-date with Keeley and Roy, Roy tells her this in his seemingly gruff and tactless, but accidentally tender and flattering, sort of way. He says without saying it, that he is over the moon for Keeley and it all makes me horny swoon, the whole thing. Sigh. Oh, and his group of friends are the yoga moms he does class with- they literally get together and watch reality TV (a dating show that features our favorite tart, Jamie Tartt) and drink rosé.I mean, please. Come on. Look at him. I just cannot.